Within the labyrinth exists a pair whose power terrifies others with the just the mention of the duo’s name. Rei and Zen find themselves lost in the labyrinth, their memories sealed in the unknown. With the powers of the combined protagonists and friends from both Persona 3 and 4, the team traverses into the unknown as they work to uncover the mystery within.

PQ/SE21-11R 謎の二人 玲&善 (center)
PQ/SE21-16C 守りたい人 (right)
As the name suggests, the focus of this deck is on Rei & Zen above. Rei & Zen have both a level 1 combo and a finisher. Their level 1 combo is terrifying as it is a means to stick a card from your opponent’s waiting room into memory. This is incredibly powerful as the effect does not state a specific type, meaning climaxes can be essentially permanently locked out of your opponent’s deck. With the rarity of memory flushing, more than likely, any card sent to memory will remain there for the remainder of the game.
Ideally, after permanently locking a large chunk of your opponent’s climaxes out, the level 3 Rei & Zen should be more than capable of finishing the job and securing the last bits of damage.

PQ/SE21-23R “八高組”直斗 (center)
P4/SE15-11C P-1グランプリの主催者! クマ総統 (right)
Now since the deck has strict requirements on having both the 1/0 Rei and Zen and 3/2 Rei and Zen for the level 1 combo’s activation requirements, cards that help to recycle those two specific cards are necessary for the deck’s function.
Akechi is back as he’s a great card for helping to retain hand, which is especially important in this case since the goal is to use 1/0 Rei and Zen’s combo as much as possible. Naoto is great as she’s a drop searcher for 1/0 Rei and Zen. Teddie to the right helps grab the 3/2 Rei and Zen.

The protagonist above is quintessential to the deck, primarily for his secondary ability. His job is to send either 1/0 Rei and Zen or 3/2 Rei and Zen back to the deck for you to search for with a different card, essentially recycling the combo’s requirements. Furthermore, he gains a soul from doing this which greatly helps in pushing for further damage. Given the mixed traits in the deck, his mill effect will rarely give additional power, but milling targets are great in general to push you closer to refresh or even to push you closer to triggering a bar climax for example.

Having both options for search and salvage are needed to ensure that Rei & Zen can be used continually and maintain pressure on your opponent. The above event is crucial as it provides the salvage option while omitting a character from your opponent’s front stage. This card can also flush your opponent’s hand, which depending on the situation can also put you at a greater advantage.
Kyou & Carmen above is another crucial piece that adds to the red count while ensuring that you have the conditions met for 1/0 Rei & Zen, assuming that the 3/2 combo piece is in your waiting room. She requires a reverse for her effect proc, but given that the card is a level 1 reverser, she’ll more than likely beat her target, and then allow you to exchange hand as needed for the following Rei & Zen combo.

Either brainstorm here is great with both having their own niche uses. Yukiko is always a good brainstorm for decks that carry a variety of traits. Haru is an interesting choice since the 1/0 Rei and Zen sends the 3/2 Rei and Zen to clock for its combo. Assuming you don’t level the following turn, if you’re a bit lucky, you can potentially recycle the 3/2 Rei and Zen from the clock for another combo spin.

P4/SE12-31C ミスコンは無理!? 直斗 (center)
P4/SE12-33C 霧を見通すメガネ クマ (right)
Any card that helps draw or filter for the cards needed for the combo are greatly beneficial to the deck. The Kuma on the left can resurrect any fallen Rei and Zen. The Naoto allows you to potentially filter for any combo piece. The Kuma on the right gives all your level 0 characters the ability to scry on attack, which can help in trying to force grab the climax.
Backups aren’t recommended as preserving field is a large difficulty considering the low power of the deck’s cards. Play tactically and maneuver your cards to maintain pressure on your opponent. As for the other climax combo, any would work, but ideally a climax that pushes further soul as this deck doesn’t deal too much damage until the later game. Keep an eye out for your life total as the Rei and Zen can be quite painful.