Forget about that hack who wrote the article about New Generations being the best deck for Cinderella Girls. The real best deck is obviously Project Krone. Born from the a selection of elite members chosen by the executive director Mishiro Joumu, the girls from this project are the highest tier task force created for domination of the idol world. Featuring Rin Shibuya, Nao Kamiya, Karen Hojo, Anastasia, Arisu Tachibana, Frederica Miyamoto, Yui Ohtsuki, Kanade Hayami, Fumika Sugisawa, and Syuko Shiomi, the girls take to the stage as they reach for the stars.

Our final boss of the deck is the Fumika shown above. Fumika ideally decompresses your opponent’s deck as you force damage cards back into their deck from their waiting room. Keep in mind that she specifically chooses targets based on the number of characters with “Krone” in their name on your stage.

To aid the members of Project Krone, the deck must employ the assistance of the other members as support to help Project Krone reach their goals. Minami above is a great combo as it fetches any Music (音楽) character which is the same trait for all the Project Krone girls. It combos with the arc trigger which helps to set-up your end-game.

IMC/W43-056U Project:Krone フレデリカ (center)
IMC/W43-094U Kroneの仕掛人 美城常務 (right)
Due to Fumika’s level three requirements (IMC/W43-091PR), it is important to ensure your field is filled with characters with the Krone name trait. Project Krone members have quite powerful supports as shown above. Yui on the left is a spectacular card that turns all your Krone characters in front of her into immediate two soul threats. Frederica in the center is a powerful support with a brainstorm ability if IMC/W43-127SRa is in the waiting room. The head of Krone, Mishiro Joumo, is even featured as a card which can pump your cards defensively while maintaining advantage every turn.

IMC/W43-111C Project:Krone 奏 (center)
IMC/W43-095U Project:Krone アナスタシア (right)
While Project Krone was not provided an early advantage combo, hence the use of Minami’s combo, Project Krone does carry advantage through the form of stage supremacy. With supports provided as shown in the previous paragraph, Project Krone also carries large power in the front row as well with large power gaining effects as well. Anastasia on the right in particular is an interesting card that can be used to aggressively protect your other cards during your opponent’s turn as well.

IMC/W43-002RR 木村 夏樹 (center)
IMC/W43-P05PR 五十嵐 響子 (right)
Some other interesting pseudo members that act as backstage supports to the Project Krone unit are shown above. Producer-san to the left is a very interesting profile whose existence is to ideally force Project Krone into your waiting room for Frederica. Depending on your ratios, Natsuki in the center is a pretty great option due to its ability as a great filter for tri-colour decks and as a mill to also help proc Frederica. Kyoko to the right is an additional finisher that does not require any climax combo, working well to put out extra damage alongside Fumika.

IMC/W41-046PR 小早川 紗枝 (center)
IMC/W41-108C 合わない2人 (right)
Backups are a great consideration for this deck to keep Project Krone unparalleled on stage. Mayu on the left can help to control the field whereas Sae in the center provides additional power to your already dominating field. Furthermore, since the deck is running both blue and red, the counter event to the right is a potential suggestion with its powerful effect to rest one of your opponent’s cards and deny a swing entirely. You will need to have a specific field for this set-up, but ideally with two Fumikas, a Kyoko and a Frederica, you’ll already have the requirements for this powerful effect.
I never mentioned the last member of the Project Krone team, Arisu Tachibana. Arisu, as shown above, is a great overall card as a potential double filter and a way to force draws if needed. Don’t forget this core member of the team.
Furthermore, I have included some other suggestions in both the other colours for the deck in red and yellow. The deck is tri-colour due to Yui coming out at level 2. Yui’s a very powerful card, as explained previously, and is well worth the colour splashing to bring her into play. Make sure you mind your ratios and ensure that you have the colours you need in clock or level. Mishiro does make it slightly easier to potentially have multiple colours in your clock in a consistent fashion. Be sure to make use of the other support idols to help make the brilliant Project Krone shine!
Disclaimer: This is the best Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls deck.