Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind – Hope Arrow (Y) [10/03/2021]

In the world of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, as the name states, bizarre events continually happen to the characters. The hope arrow is a specialized weapon that can force a user to exhibit specialized traits. In turn, if the compatibility is correct, a powerful persona of the user is formed and comes to life granting a full arsenal of combat-ready abilities.

JJ/S66-024C 希望の「矢」

The flagship card of this deck is the card above. This event holds a very interesting ability where it sends a character on stage to the stock, then it replaces that very same character with a card from the top of the deck that shares the same trait. Keep in mind most cards in this set all carry the trait of Golden Wind (黄金の風) which makes it highly likely for the spawning effect to go through.

The most ideal target for JJ/S66-024C is the card above. This card, when combined with its combo, lets you perform quite a powerful game ending effect. The goal of this deck, as you can likely imagine, is to try and get out as many of JJ/S66-004RR and trample over your opponent. This combo does cost a hefty amount of stock.

Other noteworthy inclusions are shown above. Neither of these finishers require a combo. Furthermore, both of their finishing effects are during your own turn making them active the moment they are drawn from JJ/S66-024C‘s effect. The most important part is neither of them carry any stock costs or climax requirements to activate their effects, letting you potentially run them side by side with JJ/S66-004RR.

To help aid in the goal of pushing towards the endgame, cards like the above are recommended. The Narancia to the left is one way to attempt to grab JJ/S66-024C into hand considering that the card is an event. Furthermore, its a decent filter while letting you mill the deck in case the top card of the deck is a unwanted target for JJ/S66-024C.

JJ/S66-T02TD acts as the deck’s brainstorm. A draw advantage for the deck isn’t too shabby, considering he is a way of helping to grab JJ/S66-024C. The more important ability on Fugo is his first ability. Whenever a Golden Wind character is played from hand to stage, he lets you check the top card of your deck and place it back. This helps greatly in determining whether a good target is available for JJ/S66-024C.

The Spicy Girl on the right is a paid filter card that lets you churn through you deck and add JJ/S66-024C to your hand assuming it is in your top three cards.

Both cards above carry the same purpose. Their goal is to push you further ahead in stock advantage in some form or another. The Luka on the right comes with an additional bonus of also milling your deck which can change the top card for JJ/S66-024C. If you manage to hit his top effect by milling a climax, you can choose one of your opponent’s card from their waiting room and place it on top of their deck whether it is a character to try and guarantee damage or a climax to guarantee its own damage cancel ability.

The main form of getting hand advantage in this deck comes from the card pairing above. Fugo is a simple mill two combo with his climax that lets you salvage a card equal to the combined levels. There is an argument to running JJ/S66-074RR with the associated climax trigger being a book to draw JJ/S66-024C. However, the main drawback lies in the relatively low count of blue in the deck. Fugo is more consistent to grab considering that he’s yellow. Given the heavy milling in the level 0 game, there is like a wider amount of options to choose from in the waiting room when he gets his combo off. In the end, it is fully dependent on your choice. Either option is fine as they both mainly function just to grab hand advantage for the deck.

JJ/S66-007JJR 運命に選ばれしもの ジョルノ

This is the final card I’ll add before I conclude this post. This Giorno is a good backrow assist for the deck. All three abilities are relevant considering you also are running his stand card, JJ/S66-004RR. His discounted encore ability to the front can aid in maintaining field advantage. Given the vast amount of stock that you will likely garner, spending a small amount to encore a card over spending hand may be advantageous. His second ability works to place JJ/S66-004RR from the waiting room underneath itself as marker for his third ability. That ability spawns out JJ/S66-004RR from beneath him while placing it back underneath him at the end of the turn (works regardless of whether or not JJ/S66-004RR is reversed).

As always, some more suggestions have been provided above. The goal is to change a cheaper costless target into something much more concerning to your opponent like JJ/S66-004RR. Try to manipulate the top of your deck to best of your ability as you can. Pay attention to the ratios of your deck to try and increase the odds. Anyways, do your best and show your opponent the power of the golden wind!