Within the set of Hololive, there exists a sub-unit of members consisting of the following: Shirakami Fubuki, Ookami Mio, Nekomata Okayu, and Inugami Korone. All of them are animal themed virtual YouTubers representing a fox (Fubuki), a wolf (Mio), a cat (Okayu) and a dog (Korone).

As mentioned before, there are multiple ways to build the #HololiveGamers deck. This deck focuses on the other combo based finisher, HOL/W91-020SR. This finisher, when paired with its climax on the right, lets you ping your opponent for two damage whenever it attacks. The downside is that your opponent gets to shuffle back a single climax from their waiting room into the deck. The finisher also carries the ability to help you salvage any event from waiting room to hand when she’s played from hand to stage for a single stock.

Conveniently enough, the trial deck Korone card, HOL/W91-T060SP-SP also combos with the same climax (HOL/W91-147PR) for the level three finisher. It is a reverse combo, but unlike other reverse combos, it can assign its reverse condition onto any character on your field. She does come with a bit of burst power for the turn, but if she’s too small, you can stack the ability onto another target instead.

Two targets that can potentially make use of the level 1 combo’s reverse effect are the cards above. The Korone on the left helps with turning the HOL/W91-T064TD event into a character from the waiting room. More importantly, she is a 6500 powered beater during your turn. The promotional card on the right is a very interesting card which by itself stands at 6500 on the field. However, you can place a card from hand underneath it as a marker, and then it will gain an additional 2000 power making it a standalone 8500 beater for no stock cost.

Since you’ll be running the event, HOL/W91-T064TD, you may as well run the Okayu on the right as well. The Okayu is especially important here since she can be used to potentially refresh your opponent’s deck. Remember that HOL/W91-020SR chooses a climax from your opponent’s waiting room to place into the deck. If they refresh and have no climaxes, there won’t be any need to place a climax back into their deck assuming HOL/W91-020SR‘s damage sticks. Furthermore, increasing the size of their deck is always good to increase the chances of damage going in.

To help provide power to the level 1 combo and ensure the reverse, cards like the above are recommended. The Fubuki on the left provides a 1500 power boost on play to any Hololive (ホロライブ) character while being a Chieri when sent to waiting room (discard a card, check top 4 and add up to 1 level 1 or higher character to hand).
The Fubuki on the right reveals the top card of your card of your deck and gains the ability to side attack without any penalty if the card is a Hololive character or event. This can be useful at level 1 to side while retaining field presence. Her more important secondary ability for this deck lets her pump another character’s power multiplied by the number of soul they currently possess. That means for the early game, Fubuki can pump HOL/W91-T060SP-SP or anyone by a minimum of 2000 power assuming a climax is in play.

HOL/W91-038R #絵かゆ 猫又おかゆ (center)
HOL/W91-T067TD 思考の放棄 大神ミオ (right)
For back-row support, the following cards above are suggested. The Mio on the left maintains a global 500 power to all your Hololive characters during your turn. She also lets you check the top card of your deck whenever a Hololive character is played from hand to stage. Her final ability lets you net a HOL/W91-T064TD from the waiting room for one stock whenever a climax is played.
There are two different brainstorms that help with the deck. You can run one of the profiles or play a mix of both if you’d like. The Okayu in the center, HOL/W91-038R, is a tap self search brainstorm that also supplies a character with 1000 power whenever you play an event (once per turn).
The Mio on the right, HOL/W91-T067TD is a tap self draw brainstorm that reveals five instead of the usual four. She is more important for her first ability that pumps both HOL/W91-T060SP-SP and HOL/W91-T073TD by 1000 power as long as you control two or more Hololive characters. Both provide power to your cards. It is up to you as to which and how many of each you would like to run.

HOL/W91-T062TD キツネの波動 白上フブキ (center)
HOL/W91-T063TD こんこんきーつね! 白上フブキ (right)
For the later part of the game, the above cards are potential options. The Fubuki on the left, HOL/W91-045R, is a large early play healing beater. The Fubuki in the center, HOL/W91-T062TD, combos with HOL/W91-T063TD. She comes into play from hand and lets you draw and discard a card if all your characters are Hololive and blinding the top card of your deck into stock (order of effects cannot be changed). She changes at the start of your climax phase into HOL/W91-T063TD. HOL/W91-T063TD lets you pay her costs to grant her 2000 power for the turn and the ability to deal one extra soul damage when she reverses a character. She can also grant one of your characters an additional 4000 power at the start of your opponent’s draw phase.
As for the other combo to run in the deck, that is entirely up to you. If you’d like you can even opt to run an empty climax without a combo. Remember, it is absolutely crucial that you have power to aid in helping HOL/W91-T060SP-SP in reversing targets. Do your best and ping down your opponent with HOL/W91-020SR and friends.