Guilty Crown – Inori/Shu (R/G) [09/01/2021]

Inori and Shu are bonded partners whom work together to protect their friends. Inori is a wondrous songstress whose beautiful voice and music help calm souls around her. Her music can also reduce the power of the emerging crystalline virus. Shu acts as her knight using his miraculous power and the souls of those around him to defend and protect everyone.

The main priority of the deck is to assemble the two cards above. The card on the left is a changer that’s also an active power assist. She changes at the start of your climax phase which both carries its own pros and cons. The benefit of her change phase being at the start of climax phase means you’ll have a stronger beater on the field the same turn this card comes out. The downside is that the stock costs can be rather hefty at that specific time. But the deck profile will be built around to pay for those stock costs.

The card in the center is an early play healer assuming you paid the costs on the changer on the left. It has a nice combo ability that lets you filter and add hand with the combo climax on the right. The climax does have an upside of being a stock soul climax which helps mitigate some of the costs for GC/S16-052RR.

Due to the hefty stock costs for the deck, the combo above is highly suggested for the deck in terms of gaining stock advantage. The Inori does require a reverse but combined with the combo, at least one of the GC/S16-030RRR will be swinging with 9000 power. The card does cost a single stock to play, but given its encore ability, ideally the card will remain on stage for at least another turn, letting you maintain hand and field advantage.

GC/S16-046U 後夜祭のステージ

The card above is also a suggested option to further gain stock at the cost of hand. It also lets you set-up for potential plays by letting you manoeuvre the top card of your deck.

As part of the early game engine and to help push for power for GC/S16-030RRR, it is highly recommended to run the card on the left. It does double duty of both pumping another card’s power when it attacks and also helping you net your level 1 combo piece to hand on play. The assist in the center helps give constant power through to the characters in front while being an alternative option to gain hand on play. Lastly, the card on the right, GC/S16-065C acts as both a way to filter away red cards in hand and a power pump for when other characters are reversed. This card lets you sack away your weaker characters as a means to pump your other characters both during your turn and your opponent’s turn.

Additional inclusions to the deck may be the cards above. The Haru on the left is a global assist that has a nifty ability of letting you manipulate the top card of your deck at the start of your main phase. The Shu in the center is a potential healing finisher for the deck that has some random elements required to do his finishing ability. At first glance, the finisher may be unappealing since it has a very specific condition, but with cards such as GC/S16-026SR or GC/S16-046U, the condition can be made easier to accomplish. Lastly, the right card is a a generic healer with a bit of extra power.

GC/S16-128PR 歌に浮かぶ面影 いのり

I’d like to list one more card before I wrap up this post. The card above is an anti-level three beater which also coincidentally combos with GC/S16-073CR. Given that the deck is running that climax anyway, it is highly beneficial to include at least a copy or two of this card both for its niche first effect and the second effect of just being a free salvage with the combo on swing.

I’ve included some suggestions above. The deck is an interesting profile that seeks to mainly bring out GC/S16-057SP-SP. You may consider running at least a backup or two in hopes that GC/S16-057SP-SP sticks around for a couple turns and nets you hand advantage. When your opponent is near the end of their lifeline, you can use GC/S16-027SP-SP to close up the game. Well, best of luck to you. May you use the bond of Inori and Shu with the power of friendship to take down your opponents.