Little Busters! – Kud Goes to the Moon (G/B) [08/25/2021]

Kudryavka Noumi, otherwise known as Kud by her friends has always wished to join her mother up in space. She joins Riki’s gang, the Little Busters! while pursuing her dream, learning about the world and making friends with all the other crew-mates.

The deck features many character cards with Kud. The deck mainly focuses on establishing a field and gaining advantage for the player through reversing the opponent’s characters.

The two cards above are the mainstay level three game for the deck. The card on the left has a very interesting effect where whenever she reverses a character that is level two or higher, during either player’s turn, you can pay the cost and heal one damage. She is also a healer on play meaning that fulfilling her effect will let you heal a total of two damage on a single card. This card can help drag out the game and run your opponent out of resources potentially.

The card on the right is your main finisher. This card is a healer on play that also lets you re-stand it when it reverses a level three or lower opponent and paying its cost. Ideally, this card will stick for a turn or two letting you repeat its re-standing effect the following turn.

The best part of both these cards is neither require any climax combo freeing potential climaxes for other combos.

It is imperative that you meet the three memory condition for KW/W11-077RRR to get its effect to resolve. Cards like the two are above are highly recommended as they also provide some sort of hand fixing effect. The card on the right is especially recommended for the deck because its also a bonder to KW/W11-077RRR .

As for the early game engine, there are two common combos that are run. It is possible to run both as well if you’d like considering that the deck doesn’t require a climax for its finisher. The first combo encompasses the two cards to the left and center. The combo is a two turn investment which turns KW/W11-035U into a sizeable beat-stick with built-in protection in KW/W11-032SR. KW/W11-035U also sends itself to memory with its cost, helping you reach the much needed three memory for KW/W11-077RRR. KW/W11-032SR with its climax combo will reimburse some of the stock used to put it onto the stage.

The card to the right gains power during your opponent’s turn as long as you have two or more cards in your memory. It’s combo is a cheaper means of bringing a card into memory while opening more selection as you can pick which character card goes to memory from hand.

It is essentially a decision up to you on which combo to use. Both accomplish the effect of bringing a card into memory. The green package with KW/W11-035U and KW/W11-032SR costs more stock, but comes with a return of having a better body the following turn. The blue combo with KW/W11-080SR gives you selection in terms of what you place into memory, allowing for you to filter cards and potentially hard draw events. It does carry the disadvantage of being relatively weak on swing and low power unless its condition is met. Their respective climaxes are shown below.

The events above are good samples of cards that do very well in memory. They have very high stock costs, but do come with very good effects that increase the power of your field. Unfortunately, KW/W11-080SR only places character cards from hand into memory, meaning that these cards will have to be manually played from hand. In the long run, these cards will greatly benefit your deck as they grow your cards’ power throughout the game.

It is important to note that Kud does come with two traits usually on most of her cards. These are Animal (動物) and Science (科学). Both are also found on Himuro cards as well, most notably on KW/W11-077RRR. This is quite important because those traits open up more flexibility for the deck. You may even change the build to suit a completely different route if need be. Another thing to note, because of the Animal trait present in the deck, it allows you to play several Rin cards as well since Rin carries those traits too.

I highly recommend that you add backups to the deck because of how the characters naturally have high power, especially during your opponents’ turn with certain deck choices. Additionally, KW/W11-077RRR needs to reverse, meaning during your opponent’s turn, having backups will greatly push the tides in your favour.

I’ve given some more suggestions through the cards above. Remember to keep track of your traits especially if you’re dipping into cards featuring Rin. Do your best and make sure to わふ (wafu) your opponent!