Suisei no Gargantia – Letter (R) [08/11/2021]

Amy works with her friends, Saaya and Melty in delivering the ever-important parcels and letters to residents on board the moving city ship, Gargantia. Sporting her iconic wind-glider and her pet, Grace on her shoulder, she flies back and forth from residence to residence.

GG/S23-052SP-SP 気付いた想い エイミー

The main finisher in the deck is the card above. As a pure Letter (手紙) deck, this is the only available level three. Amy simply draws two and pitches one on play. She does have a very nice effect which is when she attacks, you may pay a stock to give herself +1000 power and the ability to top deck her opposing character upon reverse.

GG/S23-052SP-SP can be brought out early with the combo pair above. When the combo climax on the right is played on the field, you can change the card on the left by paying its cost of sending it to the waiting room. In place of it, you may place a GG/S23-052SP-SP from hand in its slot.

The main advantage engine for the deck comes from the two cards above. The Amy on the left lets you place the top card of your deck into your clock for its cost with the combo on the right. If you do the cost, when Amy swings, you may salvage any character from your waiting room and place it into your hand. Additionally, Amy gains another +1000 power for the turn.

GG/S23-P03PR 水着のエイミー&ベローズ

This deck does not possess any healers unless you’re willing to splash another colour. On the upside, the deck has access to this ever important promotional card. This card is an anti-heal that flies off to memory making it hard for your opponent to heal as well. The other effect is pretty neat since the card is also a on-reverse searcher which lets you filter your hand for either Letter or Pilot (パイロット) from the deck.

While the deck does lack healing and many of the effects force the player to take damage, the deck does come with some pretty nice upsides. Letter cards are quite a nuisance on the field for the opponent. Many of the Letter cards are rather large and get even more power whenever an ACT effect is used. This can be extremely frustrating for your opponent as they try to maintain board while you can freely smash theirs on both turns.

As such, you may want to run a number of backups in this deck to maintain field pressure. The deck makes your opponent really consider their attacks especially if you have an unknown backup in hand. The backup power is significant combined with the fact that many cards give an additional +1000 power or more when an ACT effect is used (every character backup is an ACT effect). The card on the right adds to the theme of as it carries an ACT effect which already works with other cards that pump whenever that effect type is activated. Additionally, once you pay its ACT costs, you can power pump a card by +2000 power which quite significant.

I’ve included some extra cards that are good supports for the deck. As always, modify the deck list as you’d like. Don’t underestimate the raw field power that the deck provides. Make sure to make your opponent feel the united power of the delivery Letter girls.