Team Dai-Gurren follows the escapades and adventures of Simon, Kamina and Yoko’s gang as they traverse the wide unknown universe to fight the evil Spirals. Along the way, they increase their numbers with new friends to power up their brigade.

There are two specific deck combos that need to be played for this deck. The first one will be the one above which is the main advantage combo for the deck. Kamina is a 6000 power beater during your turn, assuming that you have at least one other Team Dai-Gurren (大グレン団) character. When he reverses his opponent with the climax on the right, he lets you search your deck for a Team Dai-Gurren character and add it to hand. He also has an additional effect that follows after which lets you send him to memory when he is attacked (you have two or less cards in memory).

This combo above is the other key combo needed for the deck. For this combo, this card allows you to discard a card and a pay a stock to burn your opponent for four damage with the climax on the right. He has an additional effect which allows you to pay an additional stock and place a card with Kamina in its name from memory under itself to gain an additional +2500 power until the end of your opponent’s next turn. This ability also provides the crucial effect of denying backups from your opponent during this card’s battle. The second effect may be very important in certain matchups to ensure that Simon is able to beat over his opponent and get the first combo effect off.

These two cards shown above are great side pieces to add in the end-game. Yoko, GL/S52-003SSP-SSP offers an alternative win condition. She is a healer that has the ability to give any character the following ability when she attacks: pay a stock and discard a card upon reverse to deal an additional soul damage. You can stack this ability on top of Simon to deal even more damage with his secondary Kamina effect applied for protection. The card on the right helps in trying to draw the combo or other crucial pieces for the endgame. It has an on-reverse effect as well where if it reverses a character, you may pay a stock and discard a card to deal one soul damage. This effect is cross-turn, meaning if you have the resources to do so and your opponent’s character crashes into it, you may do the effect as well on your opponent’s turn.

There is another available brainstorm in the form of GL/S52-060RR, but I suggest this brainstorm above. Even though that other brainstorm is a tap-self, this brainstorm offers a slightly more useful ability for the vast majority of the game. Your center character during your turn gains an additional +500 power and hexproof giving your level 1 Kamina, GL/S52-002SSP-SSP a bit more assistance. In the later game, it will support your Simon, GL/S52-062SSP-SSP with the same effects, helping to prevent any nasty targeting effects from hitting him as well.

GL/S52-064R 立派な大グレン団の一員 ブータ (right)
The rest of your cards should be there to support both Kamina and Simon with power or to push you forward with advantage. The card on the left provides power to a character when it attacks, giving your GL/S52-002SSP-SSP an additional +2000 power when he swings to help ensure the reverse condition. The card on the right lets you potentially net extra stock when it is play on stage to hand. It’s secondary effect lets your send it back to your hand when a climax is played to provide one of your characters an additional +2000 power for that turn.
I’ve included some other recommendations for the deck. It’ll rarely be an issue, but do remember that GL/S52-002SSP-SSP can only enter memory if you have two or less characters in memory. There’s no need for backups early on generally speaking since your early game will mostly consist of trying to get Kamina to reverse and hop into your memory during your opponent’s turn. Do your best to try and ensure there’s at least one character in the opponent’s front row for reverse for GL/S52-062SSP-SSP to activate his climax combo. Good luck, and may you lead Team Dai-Gurren to victory.