Hina Logic – Perfect Smiles (B/R) [07/27/2021]

Lion and Nina share a very close bond in Hina Logic. The energetically bursting Lion and the gentle reserved Nina make a surprisingly great duo. Through their adventures together along with their other friends, they grow and learn from one another, thus becoming better logicalists.

HLL/WE20-25C 花マルの笑顔

The deck revolves around the two character cards above and their shared climax above. The goal is to essentially burn your opponent out with Lion whom is supported by Nina. Nina isn’t a requirement for the combo, but having Nina on the field does give Lion reasonable power support to aid in reversing and allowing for a potential second round the following turn.

This Nina is probably the best hand gaining combo that can be used for the deck. It’s a standard reverse combo that also helps in filling the waiting room. It’s a pretty standard package, but the important part comes more in its combo climax trigger. The arc trigger lets you grab the level three climax combo in another way rather than purely drawing it.

The pair also come along with their own support in both the form of a brainstorm with Lion and a power assist with Nina. These two cards work well as the back-row lineup for the deck up until the late game where they may be replaced by more powerful support cards. Keep in mind that these two cards are name-locked with most abilities only affecting characters named Lion or Nina. As such, the build should consist mostly of cards with either Lion or Nina in name.

In terms of other supportive cards, these three are some pretty decent options. The left card acts as the upgraded back-row in the late game. It’s additional ability is pretty niche with memory kicking, but useful for getting rid of annoying targets. It’s also a healer which helps since the main combo for the deck doesn’t have any healing. The center card is good on its own as just a tech healer that can also provide extra soul for other attackers. The last card is an early play draw which helps in trying to draw pieces for the main combo.

Assuming you are running HLL/WE29-27HR-HR, it may be beneficial to run the other pieces of the trance set. Unlike other decks from the same series, this deck isn’t as reliant on the mechanic of trance. Belle (right card) and HLL/WE29-04R also compete for the same back-row slot and position since they’re both supports. Again, this is not necessary for the deck, but it is an option to consider just to get HLL/WE29-27HR-HR onto the field early.

These two are other good options for the deck. The Lion on the left serves as a decent beater on your turn while providing the ability to trigger twice. Nina (right) is a just a good filter overall, letting you pitch any card and grab pretty much anything in the deck off the top four cards.

Ideally the end goal is to have at least two 3/2 Lion HLL/WE29-39U on the field and at least one Nina HLL/WE29-14U or the supportive Lion HLL/WE29-27HR-HR for the power boost. Very likely with that set-up, it will be hard for your opponent to beat over Lion with backups, allowing your combo to go through. If you have just a single Nina HLL/WE29-14U and supportive Lion HLL/WE29-27HR-HR, your Lions HLL/WE29-39U will be at least 15000 power on the climax drop which is quite a large number.

Good luck and enjoy the deck if you want to try it out. Use the ties of Lion and Nina’s friendship to lead you to victory.