Maple and Sally are an interesting pair with tons of potential in the set for Bofuri. Interestingly enough, they are also the only two characters in the set that appear in two or more colours. Maple, in particular, appears in every colour with all kinds of different abilities. This deck structure will focus primarily on a deck in green and blue.

BFR/S78-082RR 機械神 メイプル (center)
BFR/S78-T18TD 水面のマフラー サリー (right)
In terms of finishers for the two colours, the above are your options for ending the game by providing an additional form of damage. Each of them have their own conditions to fulfil and costs to pay, but the center card, BFR/S78-082RR is very interesting because it doubles as an optional stock flush as well.

Both combos shown above have the same end result of fetching you a card. The top package comes with staying power during your opponents’ turn comparatively to the lower package. In return, the blue package above comes with higher burst power since it hits 8000 power alone from just having a climax played in the climax zone.

BFR/S78-112PR 感恩報謝 カスミ (right)
These are two interesting options that can be considered in your deck build. The left is a decent counter that mitigates soul damage. The center is a swapping character that can change its position with another character on your stage, potentially saving that card and reversing your opponent’s character/forcing their character to side. In a standby variant, this card, BFR/S78-112PR can be brought out early and wreak havoc to unprepared opponents.

BFR/S78-087R 盾と盾 メイプル&サリー (center)
BFR/S78-084R 極振り サリー (right)
Normally, cards that have extra luck elements or guessing games aren’t very good in a deck. However, in the case of the card on the left, the guessing mini-game isn’t the worst. In the best case scenario, you win the mini-game and get extra cards off the top. The main purpose is to provide yourself with information about the top cards of your deck and plan appropriately. It also functions to help mill your deck as well and set-up for your level 1 combo potentially. The card in the center is a very strong profile that gets rid of annoying threats with a small cost of pitching a card. The downside is your opponent gets to pick the swapped target from their waiting room, however getting rid of certain cards are well worth the cost. For the card on the right, if you are playing eight arc triggers, this is pretty decent support while being a good power pump as well.

BFR/S78-042U 守護天使 メイプル (right)
These two cards are mentioned in conjunction because they possess a unique synergy together. As stand-alone cards, both cards are pretty decent profiles. The right card also has a rather rare ability to heal to the bottom of the deck. However, if you run both cards in the same deck, the left card acts as an enabler for the right card to come out earlier. These two are pretty decent options for the deck.

The card above deserves a special mention. As a tech card, this card could potentially ensure that you live for another turn. Giving your opponent’s characters soul damage is usually not a good thing, but it also makes it harder for your opponent’s characters to finish you off. Another important effect to note, this card forces your opponent to front attack your characters or direct attack, not allowing them to get away with trying to side attack you for perfect damage. The ability is completely optional, meaning in some cases, you can choose to not activate it at all.
There are many flexible options for the deck. Take a look and browse through the full set. This article was just mentioning a build possibility for a green and blue variant. You can opt to make the deck fully Maple and Sally if you’d like. Let us know what you can brew up.