Angel Beats! – Girls Dead Monster (Y) [07/20/2021]

Girls Dead Monster is a band in the series, Angel Beats! whom perform concerts and make music in the school environment. It is composed of the members, Masami Iwasawa (lead vocalist/lead guitarist), Hisako (lead guitarist), Miyuki Irie (drummer), Shiori Sekine (bassist) and Yui (assistant/substitute member). Together, they formed the band and rock out to their own music. Many of the cards composed in the deck are also references to the songs they played throughout the series.

The main mechanic to the archetype is the constant referral to cards in memory, RECOLLECTION. Many of the cards send themselves to memory while others gain effects based on said cards. Much like many of the older Key sets, Angel Beats! received an upgrade with the release of the 20th Anniversary set by which has become the main core of the deck.

The level 1 Iwasawa (left card) acts as the main plus combo of the set allow the player to potentially add an extra stock or a card to their hand dependent on the card revealed on swing when its climax (card below) is in the climax zone. The Hisako card on the right is a level assist that coincidentally works with the same combo climax that the Iwasawa uses, letting you net a stock from your waiting room if she is on the field when the climax is played.

Kab/W78-041CC 始まりの音

The set has very nice finishers that work better the closer you opponent is to level four. As for the rest of the level threes, they are mostly healers and supportive cards.

Cards like the three above work to fulfil the memory condition for the other <Music> cards in the deck. They perform their effects commonly upon reverse, meaning that in an ideal situation, you can swing with them during your turn to beat over your opponent’s cards or direct attack. Then in the following turn, your opponent will reverse them so you can activate their effects.

Cards above are the payoffs for putting cards into memory. They have high power for a low cost only if you fulfil their specific condition.

AB/W31-P04PR 戦線の陽動班 ユイ

This card was also provided at one point which works as a very nice brainstorm for the deck. Though there may be a reference to Death (死) for a number of the cards, there is no need to worry as every card in the set also carries <Death> as a trait alongside Music.

The cards above are examples of additional cards that could fit well with the deck. These cards help mill your deck, get rid of annoying pests on your opponent’s field and recovery heal effects.

Ideally for sets like this one, the goal is to bring as many of your cards possible into memory and thin out your deck upon refresh. Hopefully, the reduced number of cards in your deck will lead to more cancels. Overall, if you’re a fan of playing around with memory or a fan of GirlDeMo, pick up the cards and give the girls a shot.