Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya – Seven Shot [07/14/2021]

Back in 2013, when the first set of Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya (Prisma Illya for short) released, there existed a small combo between two <Gem> cards. There was a 2/1 Luvia that required a specific 2/1 Rin on stage. If that condition was fulfilled, Luvia would have an activated ability on attack with a heavy cost that dealt exactly seven soul damage to the opposing player (damage can be canceled).

The Luvia’s effect is a hefty cost, making the player spend three stock and pitch a <Gem> card. Realistically speaking, accomplishing this effect even once is already quite a feat, never-mind twice or thrice a turn. Not to mention, the Rin on the right is also a requirement on the field for the Luvia’s effect to activate. The abilities on the Rin aren’t very relevant since the power only affects Rin, and the Luvia combo does not rely on any reversing conditions at all. Furthermore, the Rin is probably more of a demerit than a positive considering the first ability to make all the other Luvias incapable of side attacking. This opens up opportunities for backups for subsequent Luvia combos, potentially disrupting Luvia’s ability. On the bright side, no combo climax is needed, lessening the number of combo requirements.

At the very minimal level, a single Luvia and Rin must be present on field during the timing of the combo. Furthermore, the player must possess at least three stock and an extra card to pitch. Assuming this combo is only done once, there will be a total requirement of 5 stock and 3 hand (one for the combo, the Luvia and the Rin). Of course, depending on the order of your attack and plus triggers that gain hand, the costs can be lessened.

The lack of a combo climax requirement opens up more opportunities to build around it. However, the three cost stock requirement is still a heavy cost to overcome.

PI/SE24-08U 体操着のクロ

Immediately this card comes to mind to generate extra stock. Luvia’s combo requirement of a single <Gem> discard is a softer cost. The main issue of trying to assemble this combo will indefinitely be that single three stock cost. Although this card is not a <Gem> trait, thus it cannot be discarded for the combo, it works very well to generate extra stock for the player but at the cost of also gaining the opponent an extra stock if it is reversed. Regardless of which, it is a cheap costless way of gaining extra stock and should undoubtedly be considered for the combo itself.

Add in a few cheap plays or recursive threats to retain field and lower stock costs. You’ll also need a few filters and cyclers to ensure that you have the combo cards ready when needed. Unfortunately, aside from PI/SE24-08U, there aren’t really many ways to gain extra stock in the set.

PI/SE31-01RR “お泊まり会”美遊

The Miyu above is a combo option, however, it is quite difficult to pull off. It does generate one extra stock through its combo, but whether it is worth the effort is a different story. It does grab any character card from the waiting room regardless of trait which is a good bonus. The downside is it requires a reverse and the combo climax itself is a split power and damage soul buff. Honestly, green options are rather lackluster, and it’s probably better off to stick to red and blue.

Red is the primary colour requirement for the combo anyway, so running red climaxes are a free given since there is no need to tech into another colour. Prisma Illya does have access to at least two different versions of the standby climax, allowing for possible ways to cheat out the combo pieces from the waiting room more easily. Another possibility is with salvage climaxes since they help in grabbing <Gem> cards from the waiting room to fuel the combo and grab combo pieces if playing from hand.

This is a fun combo regardless. Although unlikely to stick and bearing a hefty cost, nothing feels better than when your opponent takes a straight level up from Luvia’s attack. If you can pull it off at least twice in a single turn, that’s quite a proud achievement for the player.