Step 7.) How to begin a game

To begin a game of Weiss Schwarz, both players must decide whom will go first. Usually, players rolls dice or perform some sort of RNG task to determine first or second. Afterwards, when player starting points are decided, both players draw five cards from the top of their deck.

At this point, both players may decide whether to keep the cards in their hand or if they want to pitch them into the waiting room and draw new cards. Players decide which cards they would like to place into the waiting room and then draw the corresponding same amount of cards from the top of the deck. For example, if you decide to pitch three cards, you draw three cards from the top of your deck. You may pitch your entire hand if you’d like.

However, it is important to note that you may perform this action only once. You may not switch cards from your hand and waiting room and vice versa. This is a firm decision that only happens once, so decide carefully at which cards you would like to pitch.

Although it has been mentioned before, the general way to win in Weiss Schwarz is to push your opponent’s level to four.

However, there is one alternative win condition that is extremely hard to achieve. If any player for whatever reason is unable to draw cards from the top of their deck, that player loses by game rulings. How a player achieves this is up to them and is quite a feat considering that an opponent’s entire waiting room must be in the resolution zone to prevent refreshing from occurring.

And with that, this is the conclusion to the basic introduction and tutorial series for Weiss Schwarz. Now have fun, get some cards and enjoy the game with friends.